Founded in 2007, we are a growing community of Orthodox Christians from various ethnic backgrounds – American, Arabic, Georgian, Greek, Russian, Romanian, and Serbian.
The mission of our church is to educate, strengthen, maintain, and preserve the spiritual wellbeing and unity of Orthodox Christianity in our community.
Currently around 60 parishioners (give or take), we have people of all ages and backgrounds. After many services (Sunday and special services), we gather in the hall for coffee, food, and fellow-ship.
Under the direction of Ms. Anna Gisetti, the choir consists of both adults and children. While there is congregational singing, the choir leads it. In addition to the church services, the Choir also sings for special events such as Christmas caroling and singing in retirement homes.

The Parish Council
The Parish Council is the administrative body selected by the parish to make necessary decisions on behalf of the parish. The Parish Council is comprised of the Pastor and any other ordained clergy assigned by the Metropolitan to the parish, 3 individuals elected from among the members of the parish by the parish at the Annual Assembly, 3 individuals appointed by the Pastor from among the members of the parish and several ex officio members representing the Church School, the Choir, and any other standing organizations. All members, except for clergy, serve 3 year terms and no more than 2 such consecutive terms.
The choir consists of both adults and children. The purpose of the choir is to lead everyone in singing the hymns and responses during all services. We encourage everyone to sing along with the choir – no matter how old or young, how musical or tone deaf. (Though, if you are tone deaf, we do appreciate if you sing more softly….)
Children’s Participation and Education
We encourage all children to participate to the best of their abilities in the services. We invite every child to take part in the procession during the Entrances, beginning at the Deacon’s door. If the child has been to Confession, they may carry a candle; if they have not, they carry an icon (regardless of age.)
There is a TV screen in the Fellowship Hall which shows our video stream and is the best place to take children when they need some time away from the services. While the Sunday School room is also available, please do not allow children to play there without supervision or for significant amounts of time during services.
We have a playground in the back of our building that is available for playtime on good days. However, we do ask that parents not ignore their children at play nor allow them in the playground during services.
We have a regular 30-minute Sunday School after Liturgy during Coffee Hour for all children 3-12 during the School Year. Our philosophy is that the Parish Church School has the responsibility for supporting the parents in their educational activities at home. We cannot succeed at Religious Education with any lasting effect, if we do it only once a week. Children’s Religious Education is best done at home on a daily basis and supported by the Parish Community whenever we gather together.
Adult Education and Catechesis
All classes and Discussion Groups are open to anyone who is interested.
During the year, we have Bible Study and Catechetical Discussion covering a variety of topics. In addition to scripture, other examples include history of the church, liturgical hymns, and informative Orthodox books. Our regular meetings are on Wednesday nights starting at 7 pm and Catechetical classes for Inquirers and Catechumen on Saturdays before Vespers usually at 3 pm. We use various sources.
Check the church calendar to confirm times, dates and topics for all educational opportunities as we vary all of them throughout the year.
Our Teen Group / SOYO
Our Teen SOYO group meets on the last Sunday of the month after Liturgy at church. All teens are welcome. Discussion topics are limited only by Orthodox Christian Ethics and good taste.
Our Church Library
We have an extensive library at the church. All are welcome to borrow books to take home and read. The library catalog can be found elsewhere on this website (Not yet available).
Please be aware that books in our rare book collection are only available for perusal in the Library and at limited times.
Our Church Bookstore
Our Church Bookstore has most beginning books available as well as icons, children’s books, Bibles, and other useful items. If you do not see a particular book, and it is available from an Orthodox publisher, our Bookstore manager will be happy to order it for you.
The Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle is a group of individuals from our community, who, at least once each week – preferably on Wednesday morning - spend some time at home asking God to care for and bless various individuals who are in need of His Mercy. Contact information can be found in our monthly newsletter.
A Christian Ending
This ministry group offers to prepare a body for burial in an Orthodox manner. They follow the directions from the book, A Christian Ending: A Handbook for Burial in the Ancient Christian Tradition by J. Mark and Elizabeth J. Barna.